
Rufus ff7
Rufus ff7

rufus ff7

If Cloud gets electrocuted, this attack stuns him for five seconds. Rufus once again throws three coins on the floor, which emit electricity. Rufus throws two coins this time which causes red lasers to fire. Cloud will flinch if within the area of smoke. Rufus will throw a coin in the air and shoot it, which disperses a cloud of smoke. While on hard mode, Rufus instead fires 13 shots. Rufus fires ten shots and reloads them afterward. Whenever Darkstar uses Thunder, Rufus will charge a Lightning Bolt Rufus gets in front of Cloud and fires a point-blank shot. Rufus dashes toward Darkstar’s Position and fires off his shotgun Rufus reloads his shotgun with four bullets (six on combat load and constantly six while playing on hard mode) Rufus fires his shotgun (six bullets simultaneously) if Rufus fires six bullets, the attack will knock Cloud back, but if the shot only has five bullets, Cloud will stay on his feet. Rufus Shinra Final Fantasy VII (Remake) Stats Upon defeating Rufus, he drops Protect Vest 100% of the time. After taking a few hundred of damage, Rufus flees using the helicopter.

rufus ff7

Lastly, if Cloud has Bio, use it against Rufus to slowly whittle down his health. A single-use of Cross-slash will easily take care of Dark Nation. It’s a fairly straightforward fight, but first, you need to make sure that you target Dark Nation first. You’ll be taking on Rufus as Cloud only for this fight. Dark Nation usually casts a Barrier on Rufus at the beginning of the match, which lessens the amount of physical damage Rufus takes about a half. Rufus Shinra fights with his pet named Dark Nation and supports him from time to time. With all of that said, let’s take a look at Rufus Shinra’s lore, boss battle guide, and everything you need to know about him! Rufus Boss Guide Rufus Shinra Original Final Fantasy VII

rufus ff7

While all this is happening, he is also trying to pursue Sephiroth, a legendary SOLDIER first class who went AWOL during the incident at Nibelheim. After Sephiroth killed President Shinra, he stepped on the mantle as the president and led the Shinra Electric Power Company to oppose Cloud and his rebellion group called Avalance. He is the son of President Shinra and is also the Vice President of Shinra. Rufus Shinra is one of the well-known villains in Final Fantasy VII. In this Rufus Shinra guide, we’re going to take a closer look at this Final Fantasy character.

Rufus ff7